Fat Loss Program: Weeks 1-4


Here is how to set fat loss program:

Weeks 1-4, Day 1





When your goal is fat loss a few things are essential.

Many people decrease the weights when trying to lose fat, but this is a mistake, because along with some fat loss you’ll be losing a lot of muscles.

When I try to lose weight I actually lift heavy weights, but I stop doing sets to failure, and increase my calorie expenditure with some form of cardio work.

The logic behind this approach for maximizing fat loss is simple. When I lift heavy my body can find it meaningful to keep my muscles and my intense effort with max loads leads to fat metabolism and better caloric expenditure.

On the other hand when I manipulate my calories, I push my body in calorie deficit so I take advantage of the full package of muscle development and noticeable belly fat reduction.




Weeks 1-4:  The Program

Day 1: Upper Body

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 3: Rest – Cardio (20 min)

Day 4: Upper Body

Day 5: Lower Body

Day 6: Rest – Cardio (20 min)

Day 7: Rest – Cardio (20 min)


Weeks 1 – 4:  Upper Body Exercises

  1. Pull ups
  2. Barbell rows
  3. One arm dumbbell rows
  4. Dumbbell bench presses
  5. Incline dumbbell bench presses
  6. Dips
  7. Military presses
  8. Shoulder lateral rises
  9. Incline shoulder rises
  10. Shrugs: barbell or dumbbell
  11. Triceps extension
  12. Dumbbell biceps curls
  13. Lying triceps extension
  14. Hammer biceps curl
  15. Wrist curls on the bench
  16. Ab Crunches
  17. Leg hang rises


Weeks 1-4: Lower body exercises

  1. Squats
  2. Front squats
  3. Hack squats
  4. Smith machine squats
  5. Stiff legged dead lifts
  6. Lunges
  7. Calf rises
Exercises: 3-4
Sets: 3-5
Reps: 6 – 12
Rest between sets: 60 seconds and below if you want to burn fat! If you can talk during the training you need to make your rest shorter.
Rest between exercises: 2 min.

Weeks 1-4: Cardio Work – Options

Low intense cardio: 60 – 70 % of Max HR ( Example: In my case I’m 34:  220- 34 =186 bpm x 70% = 130.2 HR

  1. Treadmill
  2. Stair Master – recommended
  3. Stationary bicycle
  4. Running
  5. Hiking: I love it but I don’t believe it’s a way to get lean.

High Intensity cardio: 85 – 95% of Max HR (Example: In my case I’m 34: 220- 34 =186 bpm x 85% = 158.1 HR

  1. Jump rope: working intervals, start like this; 30 work to rest ratio and then 1 min to 30 sec and so on.)
  2. Sprint: 300 meters; 6 by 50 meters, 5 by 60 meters and so on, rest 3-5 min between sets
  3. Boot camp
  4. Boxing:  it’s very long but will burn your muscles
  5. Swings: kettle bells – 1 min work – 30 sec work or 1 min work and 1 min rest

Note: All the intense cardios should be no longer than 20 minutes at a time.


Now you are ready to go. Good Luck everyone,




P.S. Stay in touch for diet and supplemental support in my upcoming newsletters.

Before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you are not used to regular exercise, it is important to consult with your primary care physician.


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